
Harold & Meredith Sears

Round Dance Manual: Figure Descriptions | Dance Articles | Alphabetical Index, Find Specific Topics

About Us

Meredith and I are Round Dancers and Round Dance instructors. Round Dancing is choreographed and cued ballroom dancing. We have put together a dance handbook:

Round Dancing — A Figure & Styling Manual.

There, we describe much more about what Round Dancing is, we describe the steps and the figures that make up our round dances, and we discuss how particular moves can be danced more comfortably. This manual is a compilation from many teachers.


We are a Colorado Round Dance Association (CRDA)–affiliated club and Carousel Club #171. We dance primarily at phases IV through VI — see recent evening programs below — at the Rose Hill Grange, 4001 E. 68th Ave., Commerce City, CO (corner of 68th & Colorado Blvd) — Map

Thursdays —
  • Drop-in, requests, catch-up/problem session — 6pm - 7pm
  • Dance & Teach — 7pm - 9:00pm (Subject to change. See Calendar below and join e-mail list for news and updates.
Jump to Calendar, Past Programs, & Cue Sheets.
Beach Party
2016, 2017 2019 pics

Roundalab Manual of Figures -- $25 -- Go to Shop and Online Manual Subscription.
ICBDA Manual of Figures -- free to members -- sign in & go to TAC & Dance Manual.
RAL ROQ Results

Some dance ideas:











CRDA Gala, Pueblo


Subject to change. We participate in an email list (a Google Group) through which we send weekly news about the club. Contact us to join this list, or email us any time to get the latest club information.

For more on the CRDA dances, visit the CRDA website and click on Dance Events.

Some recent club programs are given below.

  • Of course,we are dancing those dances recently learned and other current favorites. We try to include a variety of dance rhythms.
  • We like to resurrect some of the oldies, dances we might have learned years ago.
  • We are programming regular Do To Cue and View & Do dances. These are dances that are new to us containing mostly standard figures. We add a dance to our repertoire fairly quickly, and we develop our ability to "sight read."
  • Our Full Teach will be higher level or a less familiar rhythm and mostly recent choreography.
  • Let us know what you'd like to do. We are actively shaping the program based on your suggestions.

Program 22 August 2024 --

Early Rounds –
Pata Pata (Shibata IV CH)
Jack is Back (Worlock V MB 2003)
Peter Gunn (Goss VI CH 2006)
Every Day Bolero (Worlock VI BL 2022)
Glimpse Of Us (Hicks VI HCW 2023)
All I Ask Of You (Rumble 6 STS 2009)
Monica (Ito VI WZ 2023)

Evening Program --
Eternal Waltz (Hicks IV WZ 2022)
Cold Cold Heart (Ho IV WCS 2023) sugar push interrupt sailor shuffles;
Temptation (Thompson V RB 2019) corte rec W sync twirl to fc (SQ&Q);
Emmanuelle (Woodruff V FT 2013) chasse curve L to R lunge; rec SCP & wing SSQQ; chkd cont hvr cross;
Malaguena (Worlock VI PD 2017) la passe; chasse cape; fregolina; Bahr;
Mama Mia (Linden & Kasznay VI CH 2024) turkish towel; circ X body; cont adv hip twists; from NSDC;

2 Qk Things – Hide Your Love Away (Goss V HCW 2024) diam trn w/ rising lk end; dbl rev to L crvg 3 stp; from RAR

You Decorated My Life (Gloodt IV BL 2010) lunge switch, M stays on insd of circle;
The Blue Tango (Worlock VI TG 2022) prom wing spin; trng 5 stp (3/4 LF); trng 4x5 stp; nat fallaway to even-ct whisk & tap RLOD (2 meas);
Speaking Of the Devil (Herr IV CH 2024) passing fan; shad bk triple chas; shad fnc line; shad time stp; parallel chase; L lariat; from ICBDA
Little By Little (Shibata V WCS 2024) inside sd whip; cheerleaders;
The Homecoming (Ward IV+ MX 1977) HOF '83;
Home (Goss V STS 2016) chasse roll; stack hnd alt u/arm trns; pull pass;

Teach -- Raindrops Keep Falling (Dawson VI FT 2024) dbl rev overspin; shad grapevine; shad chair; shad fishtail; fallaway ronde weave; tumble; from ICBDA

Sleeping Child (Hilton IV RB 2024)  crab wlk both unwind; manuv pivot 2; serpiente; from ICBDA
Butterflies In Havana (Hicks III BL 2023) wlk 2 swvl in & out; inverted basic;
Until It's Time For Me To Go (Gloodt IV WZ 2015)

Program 13 June 2024 --

Early Review -- Malaguena (Worlock VI PD 2017) la passe; chasse cape; fregolina; Bahr;

Early Round -- El Gringo (Goss V PD 2017) R curving elevations; fallaway ronde slip; Bahr;

Evening Program --
Serenade 5 (Heath V WZ 2007) R trng lock; mini telespin;
Stompin At the Savoy (Hicks V FT 2024) 3 fallaways SQQ; rev trn half chk & weave 2;
Change the World (Scott V CH/JV 1997) lindy catch; op brk to nat top;
Don't Know Why (Ellis V STS 2023) arm to arm; fwd to L trng box; trav R trn outsd roll;
Sensation (Bradt V TG 2007) 4-stp; 5-stp; stalking wlks;
In Memory (Moore IV WZ 2020) L chasse W op head L whisk line rec sd DRW; rng X hover SCP;
Don't Ever (Johnson V WCS 2023) sugar w/ insd out trn; boomerang trip trav & roll; L sd pass ext w/ hnd chg;
You're My World (Prow VI HCW 2016) W spin op in & out runs; dbl telespin; R hinge; Gala '16
Addicted To You (Kincaid V MR 2016) swing basic; wrap around; snake;
Katchi Cha 4 (Hicks IV CH 2024) Xbody in 2 LOP; fcg fan w/ triple chas; passing fan W undrm;
Mariposa (Johnson VI RB 2023) bk 2
   lady x-swvl, x-swvls to L-pos rock to fan;
First Snowfall (Moore VI WZ 1997) big top; big outsd spin to rudolph;

Review -- The Blue Tango (Worlock VI TG 2022) prom wing spin; trng 5 stp (3/4 LF); trng 4x5 stp; nat fallaway to even-ct whisk & tap RLOD (2 meas);

You Decorated My Life (Gloodt IV BL 2010) lunge switch, M stays on insd of circle;
Picardy Foxtrot (Slater VI FT 1992) Golden Classic;
More Than A Woman (Garza IV WCS 2023) L sd PU pass; L sd pass headloop varsou;
The Cliffs Of Dooneen (Molitoris V WZ 2007) trav hover X; vienn X; from BJO LOD outsd spin DLW;

Program 9 May 2024 --

Early Teach -- El Gringo (Goss V PD 2017)

Early Rounds --
Dancing With A Stranger (Goss V WCS 2020)
At Last Hesitation Canter (Goss VI HCW 2024)
Baking Day (Hicks VI WZ 2023)

Evening Program --
The Old House (Lamberty/Morales IV WZ 1990) HOF '15;
Why Don't You Do Right (Gibson V FT 2023) qk-slo nat weave; rng op nat; current ROQ
Years May Come (Rother IV RB 1982) LOP LOD fwd 3 ronde to fence line RLOD; from COH adv hockey stick to wall; RAL Golden Classic;
El Gringo (Goss V PD 2017) R curving elevations; fallaway ronde slip ; Bahr;
Look Of Love (Lewis & Olson V BL 2023) horseshoe trn starting w/ ld ft;

One Thing -- Merengue Si (Barton III MR 2004) cross over brks like NY 3 each way ;

More Than A Woman (Garza IV WCS 2023) L sd PU pass; L sd pass headloop varsou;
Summer Nights (Kincaid IV CH 2024) marchessi - even ct; circ x-body - half basic then like full moon;
Una Notte A Napoli (Goss mx-TG V 2024) doble ocho; ocho lift & tap; bicicleta; triple start;
The Cliffs Of Dooneen (Molitoris V WZ 2007) trav hover X; vienn X; from BJO LOD outsd spin DLW;
Don't Ever (Johnson V WCS 2023) sugar w/ insd out trn; interrupted straight whip; boomerang trip trav & roll; L sd pass extended w/ hnd chg;
Katchi Cha 4 (Hicks IV CH 2024) Xbody in 2 LOP; fcg fan w/ triple chas; passing fan W undrm;

Teach -- Mariposa (Johnson VI RB 2023) 3 threes; 3 alemanas; bk brk W neck wrap; cont hip twist;

Stompin At the Savoy (Hicks V FT 2024) 3 fallaways SQQ; rev trn half chk & weave 2;
Cold Cold Heart (Ho IV WCS 2023) sugar push interrupt sailor shuffles;
Close Every Door 4 (Heath IV WZ 2012)

Program 18 April 2024 --

Early Review --
Psicofonia (Davenport VI TG 2023) nat pivot trn; nat prom trn; ext bk op prom; Carousel Most Taught;

Evening Program --
Forever Love (Blackford V WZ 2023)
Pink Cat Fox (Armstrong IV FT 2021) PU 1 W pt; SCAR bk both swvl 1/2 to BJO;
At Last Hesitation Canter (Goss VI HCW 2024) outsd spin & pivot to twist trn; cont dbl rev;
Sunflower (Tonks V JV 1987) jitterbug kicks; (rk rec tch stp; kick tch sd chasse;) Golden Classic; HOF '06;
Baking Day (Hicks VI WZ 2023) rng hover SCP; tipple chasse pivot; diam trn W insd undrm (meas 2&4);
Psicofonia (Davenport VI TG 2023) nat pivot trn; nat prom trn; ext bk op prom; Carousel Most Taught;
La Cartita (Blackford IV CH 2023) passing fan; hockey stick to triple cha;
Valentine (Worlock VI BL 2014) egg beater; cross hnds u/arm to turkish brk; parallel brks; Bahr;
Man Wanted (Hurd IV QS 2012) stp kick fc kick sd draw cl 3X; rng bk lks; rng fin; Bahr
Merengue Maria (Townsend-Manning IV MR 2022) prom trn away; rock trn (CP Wall fwd trn LF, rec LOD, sd, cl;)
Don't Ever (Johnson V WCS 2023) sugar w/ insd out trn; interrupted straight whip; boomerang trip trav & roll; L sd pass extended w/ hnd chg;
Boulavogue (Lamberty VI WZ 1990) top spin; big top; Golden Classic; HOF '05;
Sam's New Pants (Finch IV FT 2011) Gala '11; HOF '18; Golden Classic;

Review -- Una Notte A Napoli (Goss AT AmTG V 2024) doble ocho; ocho lift & tap; bicicleta; triple start; Cactus Capers;

Until I Found You (Townsend-Manning V STS 2023) trav R trn w/ outsd roll; the square;
A Spoonful Of West Coast (Hicks IV WCS 2022) extended figures; solo rock the boat together;
Through the Dark (Oren-Pepper IV WZ 2023) Carousel Most Taught;


Cue Sheets & Videos
(Most cue sheets are available at Mark Brautigam's Mixed-Up site or at Roundalab's Index. Videos are available from Glen & Helen and other sites. Contact us for more info, Carousel lists, any cue sheets you can't find, or for the cued dance. Many thanks to George & Pam Hurd for permission to feature their videos on this site and to Paul & Jean Zimmer for their round dance YouTube channel.

Cake By the Ocean (Rumble VI WCS 2018) Hurd showcase
Best Day (Worlock V WCS 2024)
Boulavogue (Lamberty VI WZ 1990) videos - Lamberty, Blackford, McGee
Carrickfergus (Preskitt VI STS 2023)
Spanish Banderillero (Schmidt V PD 2010) Hurd video
Hide Your Love Away (Goss V HCW 2024)
Mama Mia (Linden & Kasznay VI CH 2024)
Raindrops Keep Falling (Dawson VI FT 2024)
Emmanuelle (Woodruff V FT 2013)
Speaking Of the Devil (Herr IV CH 2024)
Sleeping Child (Hilton IV RB 2024)
Red Bull (Linden & Kasznay VI PD)
Little By Little (Shibata V WCS 2024)
I'll Get Over You (Sears VI FT 2024)
Los Rayos del Sol (Moore V RB 2008)
Tango After Dark (Davis IV MX TG 2024)
Butterflies In Havana (Hicks III BL 2023)
The Blue Tango (Worlock VI TG 2022)
In Memory (Moore IV WZ 2020)
El Gringo (Goss V PD 2017) Hurd teach
Malaguena (Worlock VI PD 2017) Hurd showcase & teach
Cavatina (Barton VI WZ 1982) video from Gene Severence collection: Bond, LeFeavers
Mariposa (Johnson VI RB 2023) Johnson Showcase; Hurd Showcase
Katchi Cha 4 (Hicks IV CH 2024)
Stompin At the Savoy (Hicks V FT 2024)
Antichi Ricordi Waltz (Molitoris-Firstenburg VI WZ 2008)
More Than A Woman (Garza IV WCS 2023) Garza showcase
Una Notte A Napoli (Goss MX TG V 2024) Goss/Hurd showcase
Don't Ever (Johnson V WCS 2023) Johnson showcase
At Last Hesitation Canter (Goss VI HCW 2024) Goss/Hurd showcase
You've Got A Friend (Johnson IV RB 2023) Johnson showcase
Psicofonia (Davenport VI TG 2023) Goss showcase
Baking Day (Hicks VI WZ 2023)
Hey Daddy Cha (Johnson V CH 2024)
The Chocolate Tango (Hicks VI TG 2023)
Merengue Maria (Townsend Manning IV MR 2022)
You're 16 Jive (Hicks IV JV 2023) Hicks showcase
Tango Mannita (Smith III AT 1965) Garza showcase
The Prayer (Worlock VI WZ 2023)
Eternity (Shibata VI BL 2023) Preskitt showcase
Ecstasy (Read VI TG 2002) Hurd showcase & teach
Dance With the Enemy (Armstrong V TG 2023)
I Call Your Name (Goss V WCS/JV 2023) Preskitt Showcase
With One Look (Vogt VI RB 2023) Vogt Showcase
Speak Softly Love (Worlock VI RB 2023)
Flowers (Hicks IV CH 2023) Hicks Showcase
Soul Sister Merengue (Townsend-Manning IV MR 2023) Townsend-Manning Showcase
Welcome To My World (Herr V FT/JV 2023) YouTube video
Look Of Love (Lewis & Olson V BL 2023)
Too Early To Say Goodnight IV (Vogt IV FT 2023) Vogt showcase
Why Don't You Do Right (Gibson V FT 2023)
My Confession (Rumble VI BL 2005) Hurd showcase & teach
Dancing Fool (Vogt V QS 2023) Hurd showcase
Glimpse Of Us (Hicks VI HCW 2023) Hicks video
Whistling In the Dark (Rumble VI WZ 2001)
Thanks For the Memory V (Preskitt V FT 2023) Hurd showcase
Santa Maria (Hurd VI AT 2022) Hurd showcase
Every Day Bolero (Worlock VI BL 2022) YouTube video
Too Early To Say Goodnight (Vogt VI FT 2022) YouTube video
Butter (Goss V CH 2022)
Tonight We Waltz (Hicks VI WZ 2022) YouTube video
Somewhere In Time Bolero (Finch/Hicks VI BL 2021)
Mohair Sam Jive Plus (Hilton V JV 2022)
Who I Was Born To Be (Nolen V HCW 2022)
Dance In the Old Fashioned Way (Rotscheid VI FT 2022)
I Dream Of You (Hurd V BL 2022)
If I Didn't Have You (Hurd VI FT 2022)
Felicia Tango (Hurd V TG 2022)
I'm Beginning To See the Light (Preskitt VI FT 2022)
Bla Bla Cha Cha (Garza VI CH 2022) YouTube video
Rock Boppin' Baby (Johnson VI WCS 2022)
Chalita (Goss VI AT 2008) Hurd showcase
What Chu Got (Lewis/Olson V CH 2022)
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Rumble VI FT 1994) Hurd showcase
Adeline (Shibata VI STS 2000) Hurd showcase; Hicks/Ho YouTube

Hallelujah Waltz (Read VI HCW 2011) video Hurd, Worlock, cued dance, cue card, discussion of fleckerl

Rumba El Reloj (Worlock VI RB 2022)
Nina (Garza IV MX TG 2022)
And I Love You So (Childers V RB 1987) Hurd showcase
Autumn (Preskitt VI WZ 2021)
London Is London (Worlock VI FT 2020)
Cake By the Ocean (Rumble VI WCS 2018) Hurd showcase
Am I Blue (Lamberty VI FT 1998) Hurd showcase; Hurd teach
Volveras (Goss VI BL 2021)
Begin To Color Me (Read VI WZ 1999) Hurd showcase; Hurd teach
Tango the Night Away (Worlock VI TG 2021)
Fortuosity (Rother VI QS 1980) Hurd showcase; Hurd teach

Dancing With A Stranger (Goss V WCS 2020) cue sheet, cue card, cued dance, discussion

Nadia's Theme (Goss IV MX 1977) Hurd showcase; Hicks/Ho showcase
Evergreen Rumba (Preskitt VI RB 2021)
Sugarcane (Vogt V WZ 2021)
Lovely Lady (Palmquist V WZ 1976) Porter video
With the Same Coin (Shibata VI BL 2020)
D'Helene (Moore VI WZ 2021)
Nothing At All (Johnson VI BL 2021)

Starlight Express (Goss V RB 2004) video Goss dancing, video Hurd dancing, cue sheet, cue card, cued dance, discussion

St Michel's Quickstep (Casey VI QS 1984) Hurd video
Small Planes (Goss IV WCS 2021) video of Hitchhike (download; then play)
Love Runs Out (Hicks VI PD 2021)
Sea In Autumn (DeChenne VI RB 2012) Hurd video
Lost In Time (Worlock VI WZ 2021)
Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying (Preskitt V BL 2021)
Te Quiero (Worlock IV RB 2007) Hurd video (download first?)
Lost (Preskitt VI STS 2015) Hurd video
Groovy Foxtrot (Worlock V FT 2019)
Mermaid In the Night (Goss-Figwer V WCS 2017) Hurd video
Chasing Cars (Goss VI RB 2019)
Spanish Banderillero (Schmidt V PD 2010) Hurd video
Eso Es (Hurd V TG 2018)
Papillon (Lamberty VI WZ 1995)
You Owe Me One (Worlock V Hus/CH 2005) Hurd video figure cheat sheet
Someone You Loved (Dawson V RB 2020)
Oh Pretty Woman (Wulf V WCS 2020)

SOS Tango (DeChenne VI TG 2012) video ; YouTube clinic on the Chase -- get this clear and the Double Chase will follow :-) Remember, in rounds the Chase is five steps and does not include his final side step.

Spoonful Of Sugar (Worlock V QS 2021)
Call Me Senorita (Lewis/Olson V RB 2020)
The Carousel Waltz (Hicks VI WZ 2021)
Blue Roses (Shibata V WZ 2019)
Anticipation (Goss VI WZ 2012)
You Make Me Feel Like West Coast (Garza V WCS 2019)

Blue On Blue (Balk IV RB 1989)
cue sheet, cue card, cued dance

Watermark VI, a YouTube waltz showcase, youtube video, cue card, cued dance, discussion

Three Smooth Figures: the Double Reverse, Double Natural, and Double Reverse Wing (Beautiful Things, dance and teach (go to 6'30") (Download video with right click or watch in your browser with left click.) -- discussion (PDF)

Pisces Rumba (Gloodt IV RB 2019) cue sheet, cue card, cued dance, discussion

Where Is Your Love (Worlock VI RB 2014), containing Sweethearts, George & Pam Hurd dancing.

Near the Lake (Moore IV RB 2020) cue sheet, cue card, cued dance, discussion

G.I. Jive (Hicks IV JV 2019)
cue sheet, cue card, cued dance at 34, cued dance at 32, for video go to glen&helen, discussion

All I Have To Do Is Dream (Rumble III RB 2020) cued dance, cue card, discussion

You Deserve (Read VI FT 2014) video Worlock, cued dance, cue card, review discussion

You Are the Reason (Worlock V STS 2020)
Winter Light (Preskitt VI BL 2019)
Can't Take My Eyes Off You 5 (Preskitt V CH 2019)
Para Toda La Vida (Hagiwara V RB 2019)
Hallelujah Waltz (Read VI HCW 2011) video Hurd, Worlock
Some foxtrots, showing the all important Feather:
Exactly Like You (Slater IV FT) video
Paper Moon (DeChenne IV FT/JV) video
Sam's New Pants (Finch IV FT) video
Solitude City (Gibson V FT) video
The Promise (Worlock VI WZ 2019)
Como Dos Tontos (Goss V BL 2019)
Valentine (Worlock VI BL 2014)
Don't Let the Old Man In (Davis VI BL 2019)
All the Ways (Worlock VI WCS 2019)
New York, New York (Preskitt VI FT 2019)
Dialogues (Moore IV WZ 2019)
You Make Me Feel Like West Coast (Garza V WCS 2019)
Until Now (Finch IV FT 2019)
Better Place (Johnson V RB 2019)
Hey Baby, Be My Girl (Harris IV JV 2019)
Please Mr. Brown (Davis V TG 2019)
Be My Girl (Worlock VI MB 2019)
Eso Beso (Shibata V SB 2011) video
Hot Hot Samba (Moore IV SB 2004) video
Baby Come To Me (Ross IV SB 2019)
Anything Can Happen (Goss VI WZ 2019)
No Walls, No Ceiling, No Floors (Schmidt VI WZ 2019)
Theme From Frozen (Worlock VI WZ 2018)
Abrazame (Worlock V BL 2007) video
Boulavogue (Lamberty VI WZ 1990) video Blackford McGee
Mia Bolero (Worlock VI BL 2018)
Papillon (Lamberty VI WZ 1995) video
Can't Help Falling In Love (Webb VI HCW 2018)
Tijuana Taxi (Prow IV QS 2006) video
Eso Es (Hurd V TG 2018)
Groovy Foxtrot (Worlock V FT 2019)
The Colors Of Autumn (Hutd VI WZ 2018)
These Foolish Things (Preskitt V WCS 2019)
Get Down Tonight (Worlock V QS 2019)
Pasolindo (Ross V PD 2017)
El Choclo (Goss V TG 2018)
Havana (Goss VI CH 2018)

Our Choreography --

I'll Get Over You (Sears VI FT 2024)
Life (Sears VI FT 2020)
I Didn't I Swear (Sears II TS 2018)
Weave Me (Sears VI FT 2016)
Corn Silk (Sears VI FT 2012)
El Choclo IV (Sears IV TG 2010)

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